Our Mission

"During the recent pandemic, countless people lost their jobs. Personally speaking, my uncle lost his job around the beginning of 2020. That year, money was really tight for their family, and they couldn't afford to have birthdays for their kids. We couldn't visit them due to the pandemic, so my family sent over a birthday kit that had decorations, games, presents, etc. With that small effort, a little joy was brought into their family. This inspired me to create Share a Smile - and share that joy in my community with other families facing hardship."

-Naisha Chopra (Founder)

Economic Equality
Our primary goal is economic equality. We believe that every child deserves to feel special-- especially on their birthday. Some children don't experience the joy of celebrating their birthday simply because their family is going through a tough time, and may not have adequate resources. Share a Smile spreads this joy to the community free of cost to the facility and families.

Diversity and Inclusion
Our organization centers around diversity and inclusion, and our team makes sure to bring it into every aspect of our work. Our volunteers belong to various ethnic backgrounds, and we pride ourselves in acknowledging our differences since they help us grow into better people. For more information, check out our cultural holiday posts on Instagram and reach out to our D&I Director.